Wednesday, 10 October 2012

"Leonora has no right to complain"- Producer

Matilda ready to return after giving birth to a bouncing baby boy(l)
A member of the South African producing Team of Tinsel has told that Ghanaian beauty leonora Okine has no right to complain whatsoever over the imminent return of Matilda to the screen as Angela Dede.

"It was all in her contract," He said on the condition of remaining anonymous. " We had clearly stated that on the event Matilda recovers from her child birth and is strong enough to return to work, she will have her role long as she is willing."

This has come in the spate of the uproar over Matilda's imminent return as broken in our blog earlier this week.
Matilda was scheduled to return by January but all indications is that she will resume next month following Leonora's reluctance to continue playing the reserve....


  1. aba leonora u ar too big for tinsel.
    whilst people ar leavin u ar fightin 4 dat stupid role. let her hav her role dat all she gat

  2. is not too big 4 tinsel,apparently u cant read or ur blind,d reason dey cut her off is cos shez too small 4 tinsel and shez a very crappy actress and as 4 matilda from what i hear,shez d one hu has everything,a child,a husband,a career and 4 fuck sake a fan base dat is so big leonora's ass was thumbs up matilda!i am a huge fan of urs!

  3. Am also a big fan of Matilda. She plays tha role well unlike leonora. Don't understand what she's acting am sorry to say.

  4. congrats Angie ur lil boy is so cute, wemiss u loads n await ur return
